Sometimes i am asked how it is that children take a bath when they are living on the street. Sometimes they find a hose or fawcet either outside a building on in the pipes below, Most times they use a large bowl. More than two weeks ago a group of children living under a bank, asked for a bowl to bathe. Only a few days later, the producer (Justin Balding standing with me) and cameraman from NBC, spotted such a bowl, left behind by kids who abandoned another location underground. They made it a present to the group under the bank.
But in the passing of time, after raids by the police and one kid beaten by someone on the street, this group abandoned the location under the bank. three times i returned to the bank to find the space beneath empty. but each time, I spotted the bowl.
Two days ago I woke up thinking, I have to get the bowl! A light snow was falling as I walked up my street to the bank. the police were there again, i saw them going down and back up again... searching for street kids. not eager for an encounter with them, i waited in the local food shop, when they left I went down for the bowl.
Now, of course, this bowl has taken on a kind of sacred status. All those street kids used it to bathe, i am imagining a rich history behind it's ownership... some of you may remember the film, the Red Violin.... I am imagining a documentary The Red Bowl,
I am reminded too, of what i would do in worship once a year, place a bowl of water in the sanctuary, invite all to come forward and dip their hands in while i repeated, "Remember your baptism." or of the time Jesus washed the feet of the disciples...
for either , i've got just the bowl..
attached is the exciting photo of me holding the bowl.
grace and peace in the new year
Robert Gamble
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